In Russia, a revolutionary method of welding ships

специалист проводит сварку корпуса судна
Welder man in work

Limited financial capacity and high competition

are forcing Russian shipyards to look for efficient technological

solutions. Special attention is paid to the experience of foreign enterprises.

Employees of United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC

Invented a new method of welding, which in 2019 should be certified.

Dmitry Kolodyazhny, Vice-President of the company

USC, reported on the need to introduce high-speed welding


Experimental equipment is able to weld metal,

which has a thickness of 16 mm at a speed of 84 km / h. Advantage of using

installation is the minimum number of plumbing operations.

To use the equipment, you need to carry out a complex

tests. Before installing the installation, specialists will need to complete

several tasks:

  • choose the best welding mode
  • investigate the composition of the metal after processing
  • make sure there are no defects.

Only after testing and certification will it be possible

launch serial production of welding equipment. Thanks to the new technology

enterprises will be able to increase the profitability of production and repair of ships.

The development of Russian scientists will be sought after by the largest

shipbuilding companies of Russia (OJSC PO SEVMASH and OJSC TsSS Zvezdochka).

Often enterprises use outdated equipment. To the most

common model can be attributed multisystem VD-506DK, which was

released in 1998.

The most time consuming operation is edge processing.

materials. Most often for this purpose used hand power tools.

To process large workpieces, workers have to spend

several hours. Noisy and dirty procedure takes a lot of time and effort.

Such problems are faced not only Russian, but

and foreign shipbuilding companies. Norwegian company Aas Mek.

Verksted AS constantly works with pipe and sheet metal. Billet diameter

can vary from 160 to 800 mm.

To remove the headlamp employees of the enterprise used chamfer earlier. Reduce

the complexity was only possible after testing the installation of RIDGID B-500.

The machine was designed to remove the edges on the pipes in front

welding work. After the introduction of equipment has grown not only

speed, but also the quality of processing workpieces. As a result, manufacturers managed to reduce labor costs by 80%.